Fabrice Rouzier March 6, 1967 Port-au-Prince, Haiti
At the age of four, Fabrice Rouzier began playing piano with his aunt Marguerite Borno. A few years later, he began playing and recording with musicians and producers such as Hans Peters, Bobby Denis, and Patrick Dejean. In 1986, he formed the band Mizik Mizik with Keke Belizaire, Mano Obas, Choupite Jacquette, and other musicians. Among the band’s classic albums are “Blakawout” (Blackout) in 2001 and “Pradise in Hell) in 2008. The Haiti Troubadours CD series is also produced by Rouzier. More than 300 albums have been recorded and collaborated on over the course of his career. Many well-known Haitian musicians have been influenced by him, including Emeline Michel, Michel Martelly, Beethova Obas, Boukman Eksperyans, BélO, Tifane, Jude Jean, Jahnesta, and others. With Keke Belizaire, Rouzier is regarded as one of the leaders of the ‘Twoubadou Movement’ for revitalizing the genre. A founding member of the young record label “Soleil Sound”, he has recorded Haiti Troubadours, BélO, and Nickenson Prud’Homme’s upcoming album. Additionally, he produced Jude Jean’s and Tifane’s first solo albums.